Source code for yall.utils

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# TODO: Reference the active learning challenge
[docs]def compute_alc(aucs, normalize=True): ''' Compute the normalized Area under the Learning Curve (ALC) for a set of AUCs. param aucs: np.array of AUC values. param normalize: Whether to normalize the ALC, default: True. ''' alc = np.trapz(aucs, dx=1.0) if normalize is True: random_auc = np.repeat(0.5, aucs.shape[0]) A_random = np.trapz(random_auc, dx=1.0) max_auc = np.repeat(1.0, aucs.shape[0]) A_max = np.trapz(max_auc, dx=1.0) # Normalize the ALC alc = (alc - A_random) / (A_max - A_random) return alc
[docs]def plot_learning_curve(aucs, L_init, L_end, title="ALC", eval_metric="auc", saveto=None): ''' Plots the learning curve for a set of AUCs. param aucs: np.array of AUC values. param L_init: The initial size of the labeled set. param L_end: The final size of the labeled set. param title: The title of this plot. param saveto: Filename to which to save this plot instead of showing it. ''' alc = compute_alc(aucs) draws = np.arange(L_init, L_end) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.plot(draws, aucs, linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("|L|", fontsize=15) plt.ylabel(eval_metric.upper(), fontsize=15) plt.title(title) plt.annotate(f"ALC: {alc:.4f}", xy=(0.8, 0.05), xycoords="axes fraction") if saveto is not None: plt.savefig(saveto) plt.close() else: